Monday, July 27, 2015

Question about, and help needed with a Ruby Falls Redbud!! Xposted from r/gardening.

I actually have a question. I've submitted this to several other sites as well trying anything I can to get advice. I live in Ohio, northeastern - about 1.5 hrs SE of Clev. - to be specific, and am trying to "save" a Ruby Falls Redbud (Covey type I think) that someone (my boss) threw away in a dumpster. I asked why he did so and the response was, "I planted it last year, it never came back this year. It's dead, so I threw it away." It still had a small shoot off to one side of it, but unfortunately in my attempt to pull this massive thing out of the dumpster (I'm 5'2") I tore that tiny shoot and it had subsequently died. However, I am now seeing small ones starting near the base of the trunk (which is approx. 4" in diam.)! What would normally be the "willowy" branches at the top are completely dead, dry and break off quite easily. Am I going to be able to "save" this young tree and what do I need to do?! I haven't planted it in the ground yet, as I'm currently keeping it in the planter in which it was thrown away in the event it is unsalvageable. Any insight this group could give would be wonderful! Thank you.
One response was: "I'm guessing that it's a grafted plant, and that the scion with the "willowy" characteristics you want is dead, but that the rootstock is sending up its own shoots now. If any live, they will probably be regular redbud". I honestly don't have an issue with the tree growing back as a regular Redbud. I just hated to see it being thrown out when it still seemed to have some semblance of life in it. The shoots have beautiful color to them! What can I do to make sure it grows back into a healthy tree? Plant it according to instructions I found online? Do I cut the trunk off above the new growth? I've never tried to do such a thing before. Again, thank you for any help/advice given!

submitted by stickeater
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